Most Important MS Word Shortcuts for Different Recruitment Exams


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What is the shortcut key of Mark Citation in MS Word?

A. Alt + Shift + I
B. Alt + Shift + P
C. Alt + Shift + B
D. Alt + Shift + Q

Which is the Shortcut key to Apply the Normal style?

A. Alt + Ctrl + Shift + N
B. Ctrl + Shift + M
C. Ctrl + Shift + N
D. Alt + Ctrl + N

Which Shortcut key is used for Bold Command ?

A. Ctrl + C
B. Ctrl + B
C. Ctrl + W
D. Ctrl + I

Shortcut key 1.5 line spacing ?

A. Ctrl+ 3
B. Ctrl+ 4
C. Ctrl+ 5
D. Ctrl+6

Which option use to open recent file?

A. Ctrl+R
B. Ctrl+F
C. Ctrl+O
D. Ctrl+N

All caps to selected text in MS Word is applied with?

A. Alt+shift+A
B. shift+A
C. Ctrl+shift+A
D. None of these

What is the keyboard shortcut key for Save As?

A. F12
B. Ctrl + F12
C. Alt + F12
D. Shift + F12

What is the shortcut key for “Justify Align” the selected text ?

A. Ctrl + J

B. Ctrl + Shift + J
C. Ctrl + E
D. None of these

What is the shortcut key to “Center Align” the selected text ?

A. Ctrl + C
B. Ctrl + A
C. Ctrl + E
D. None of these

What is the shortcut key for “Clear All Formatting” the selected text ?

A. Ctrl + Del
B. Ctrl + Enter
C. Ctrl + Spacebar
D. Shift + F3

What is the shortcut key for “Increase Font Size” the selected text ?

A. Ctrl + Shift + <
B. Ctrl + Shift + >
C. Ctrl + I
D. None of these

Shortcut key for Hanging Indent is _____________?

A. Ctrl + H
B. Ctrl + M
C. Ctrl + T
D. Ctrl + L

We can Search character & word and symbols in Microsoft word by using _______ command?

A. Ctrl + R
B. Ctrl + F
C. Ctrl + F5
D. None of the above

Which short cut key is used to bring up the “Find and Replace” dialog box in Ms word?

A. Ctrl + J
B. Ctrl + H
C. Ctrl + N
D. Ctrl + M

What is the shortcut key to display field codes?

A. Alt + F9
B. Ctrl + F9
C. Shift + F9
D. Space + F9

In MS Word short cut key for Split a window or remove the split view?

A. Alt+Ctrl+S
B. Ctrl+Alt+V
C. Ctrl+Alt+O
D. Ctrl+Alt+N


In MS Word Ctrl+Shift+C is shortkey of:____________?

A. Copy
B. Indent Left
C. Paste
D. Copy Format Painter

Pressing the _____ key instructs Word to replace an AutoText entry name with the stored AutoText entry

A. f1
B. f2
C. f3
D. f4

Which key is used to increase left indent in Ms Word?

A. Ctrl+I
B. Ctrl+M
C. Alt+I
D. F10

When typing in a word field manually, what must you press to insert the code’s brackets?

A. Ctrl + F6
B. Ctrl + F9
C. Alt + F11
D. Shift + F12

How can you make the selected character super-scripted in Ms Word?

A. Ctrl + =
B. Ctrl + Shift + =
C. Alt + Ctrl + Shift + =
D. None of above

What does Ctrl + = key effect?

A. Superscript
B. Subscript
C. All Caps
D. Shadow

Which of the following function key activates the speller in Ms Word?

A. F5
B. F7
C. F9
D. Shift + F7

Which keystroke is used for updating a field in Ms Word?

A. F6
B. F9
C. F11
D. F12


 Press __________ to create a line break, which advances the insertion point to the beginning of the next physical line – ignoring any paragraph formatting instructions

A. shift+enter
B. ctrl+enter
C. shift+tab
D. ctrl+tab

What is the shortcut-key for manual line break?

A. CTRL + Enter
B. Alt + Enter
C. Shift + Enter
D. Space + Enter

How can you break the current column and start a new column immediately in Ms Word?

A. Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter
B. Press Alt + Enter
C. Press Ctrl + Enter
D. Press Alt + Shift + Enter

Ctrl + C Shortcut key is used in Microsoft Word?

A. Copy the selected text
B. Cut the selected text
C. Print the selected text
D. Paste the selected text

Ctrl + L Shortcut key is used in Microsoft Word to?

A. Left Align
B. Left Indent
C. Increase Left Margin
D. Decrease Left Margin

You cannot close MS Word application by?

A. Choosing File menu then Exit submenu
B. Press Alt+F4
C. Click X button on title bar
D. From File menu choose Close submenu

Ctrl + A Shortcut key is used in MS Word to?

A. Align Right
B. Select All
C. Change font
D. Save document

In Microsoft Word, How can you increase the font size of selected text by one point every time?

A. By pressing Ctrl + ]
B. By pressing Ctrl + [
C. By pressing Ctrl + }
D. By pressing Ctrl + {


What is the short cut key to open the Open dialog box?

A. F12
B. Shift F12
C. Alt + F12
D. Ctrl + F12

Which file starts MS word?

A. Winword.exe
B. Word.exe
C. Word2003.exe
D. Msword.exe

Ctrl + N Shortcut key is used in MS Word to?

A. Save Document
B. Open Document
C. New Document
D. Close Document

Ctrl + G Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word for?

A. Open Paragraph Dialog box activating Goto Tab
B. Open Page Setup Dialog box activating Goto Tab
C. Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Goto Tab
D. Open Goto Dialog box

Ctrl + P Shortcut key is used in MS Word to?

A. Open Paragraph Dialog Box
B. Open Page Format Dialog Box
C. Open Save Dialog Box
D. Open Print Dialog box

Ctrl+S Shortcut key is used in MS Word to?

A. Scenarios
B. Size
C. Save
D. Spelling Check

Ctrl + I Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word for?

A. Italic
B. Left Indent
C. Save Document
D. Close Document

To use your keyboard instead of the mouse to select tools on the ribbon, you display the Key Tips by pressing the key?

A. Alt
B. Ctrl
C. Shift+Enter
D. Alt+Enter


“Ctrl + Up Arrow” Shortcut key is used in Microsoft Word to?

A. Moves the cursor one page up
B. Moves the cursor one line up
C. Moves the cursor one screen up
D. Moves the cursor one paragraph up

“Ctrl + End” Shortcut key is used in MS Word to?


A. Moves the cursor to the end of Line
B. Moves the cursor to the end of Document
C. Moves the cursor to the end of Paragraph
D. None of the Above


“Ctrl + PageUp” Shortcut key is used in MS Word to?

A. Moves the cursor one Page Up
B. Moves the cursor one Paragraph Up
C. Moves the cursor one Screen Up
D. Moves the cursor one Line Up

“Ctrl + Left Arrow” Shortcut key is used in MS Word to?

A. Moves the cursor beginning of the Line
B. Moves the cursor one word left
C. Moves the cursor one paragraph up
D. Moves the cursor one paragraph down

“Ctrl + Down Arrow” Shortcut key is used in MS Word to?

A. Moves the cursor one paragraph down
B. Moves the cursor one line down
C. Moves the cursor one page down
D. Moves the cursor one screen down

“Ctrl + Right Arrow” Shortcut key is used in MS Word to?

A. Moves the cursor one word right
B. Moves the cursor end of the line
C. Moves the cursor end of the document
D. Moves the cursor one Paragraph down

“Ctrl + PageDown” Shortcut key is used in MS Word to?

A. Moves the cursor one Paragraph Down
B. Moves the cursor one Page Down
C. Moves the cursor one Line Down
D. Moves the cursor one Screen Down

“Ctrl + Home” Shortcut key is used in MS Word to?

A. Moves the cursor to the beginning of Document
B. Moves the cursor to the beginning of Line
C. Moves the cursor to the beginning of Paragraph
D. All of the above

“Ctrl + Delete” Shortcut key is used in MS Word to?

A. Delete the word just after the cursor
B. Delete the word just before the cursor
C. Delete the single letter just after the cursor
D. Delete the single letter just before the cursor

Ctrl + Backspace” is used in Microsoft Word to?

A. Delete the single letter just before the cursor
B. Delete the single letter just after the cursor
C. Delete the word just before the cursor
D. Delete the word just after the cursor

End Keyboard Key is used in Microsoft Word to?

A. Moves the cursor end of the line
B. Moves the cursor end of the document
C. Moves the cursor end of the paragraph
D. Moves the cursor end of the screen

Ctrl + Z Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to?

A. Undo the last Action
B. Redo the last Action
C. Add the new page
D. Paste the contents from clipboard

Ctrl + Y Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to?

A. Undo the last Action
B. Repeat the last Action
C. Delete the last page
D. Delete the first page

Ctrl + X Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to?

A. Close Document
B. Close Word Application
C. Cut the Selected Contents
D. Copy the Selected Contents

Ctrl + W Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to?

A. Save and Print the Document
B. Save and Close Word Application
C. Save and Close document
D. Without Save, Close Document

Ctrl + U Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to?

A. Undelete the previously deleted text
B. Undo the last changes
C. Underline the document name
D. Underline the selected text


Ctrl + T Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to?

A. Hanging Indent
B. Left Indent
C. Open Tabs Dialog box
D. Terminate all opened Dialog box

Ctrl + R Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to?

A. Re-Open the last closed document
B. Re-Print the last printed page
C. Re-Apply the last paragraph formatting
D. Right align the selected Paragraph

What is the function of CTRL+Q in Microsoft Word?

A. Paragraph formatting (Line Space and Paragraph Space)
B. Close Word Application without saving Document
C. Print Whole Document without confirmation
D. Does nothing

What is the function of CTRL+N in Microsoft Word?

A. Save Document
B. Open Document
C. New Document
D. Close Document

Ctrl + M Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to____________?

A. New Document
B. Close Document
C. Right Indent
D. Left Indent

Ctrl + K Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to?

A. Insert Page Humber
B. Insert Hyperlink
C. Insert Header
D. Insert Footer

Columns dialog box can be opened from?

A. Press Alt + O + C
B. Format menu Columns submenu
C. Double click on column space in ruler
D. All of above

In MS Word to move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word command used is?

D. None of these


In Microsoft Word shortcut key CTRL+W is used for?

A. open the Print dialog box
B. Update the current Web page
C. close the current window
D. None of these

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